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The Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), the second medical college to be established in Assam, is also a health care institution. It is located at Bhangagarh, P.O: Indrapur, 781032, Guwahati, Assam, India. It has Society registration with no profit organization under the name of Hospital management Society (HMS).

Fig: Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Coordinates: 26.1620495 N, 91.7697044E


Dr. John Berry White, MRCS, a British Surgeon of the East India Company, was the pioneer to start Health Education and health care in Assam. He established a medical school known as ‘Berry White Medical School’ at Dibrugarh, Assam in 1898-99. In course of time this medical school was upgraded and on 3rd Nov., 1947 the Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh was established and it stands as the first medical college in Assam. The State Government in 1959 headed by Mr. B.P. Chaliha, the then Chief Minister of Assam, Mr. Fakaruddin Ali Ahmed, the then Finance Minister, and Mr. Rupram Brahma as the then Medical Minister of Assam decided to have a second medical college in Assam. The Govt. of Assam decided to construct the permanent buildings of the Gauhati Medical College & Hospital on the Narakachal hill. The P.W.D. Govt. of Assam, took up the survey and started road constructions in 1962 in the Narakachal hill. The Assam Govt. Construction Corporation (AGCC) started building construction in Feb., 1962. In September, 1968 the permanent building of the Gauhati Medical College under process of construction was inaugurated by the then Governor of Assam Mr. B.K.Nehru. On 20th September, 1968 the then Chief Minister of Assam Mr. B.P. Chaliha laid the foundation stone of the hospital by the side of the college main building at Narakachal hill. 

How they got 500 kW Grid connected Rooftop Solar under RESCO mode?

We came to know that Guwahati Municipal Corporation is looking for solar plant in GMCH under smart city project. We met them and told about the project. Then after their help we met Superintendent and Principal of GMCH, the executive head of organization in April 2018, for the Grid connected Rooftop Solar power project with subsidy under RESCO mode. At that time we were empaneled with state Nodal Agency i.e.; Assam Energy Development Agency for the 14 MW grid connected RTSPV project with 70 % subsidy. In the RESCO mode the tariff were fixed @3.43/KWh for the 25 years. The organization don’t need to invest single penny for the project whole cost will be worn by Govt. in form of subsidy and the Developer

We have made them understand about the viability of the project to offset the increasing bill amount of the Grid. After all discussion we have signed a PPA for the period of 25 years with complete O&M under our scope. As, PWD look after all work, so we had to take permission from them first for Solar system installation. This is the additional work we had done. There were around 28 connection of Discom with different connected load. Through our analysis, we had taken OPD were day time consumption is more and have sufficient load connected. The connected load of OPD was 800 kW.

According to the APDCL Rooftop Solar guideline max. 80 % of connected Load can we Solarize. By which we can go for 640 kW. But max.  Plant capacity for a single consumer allowed was 500 kW according to project terms, so we had installed 500 kW capacity.

Project Name 14 MW Grid Connected SRTPV PROJECT under RESCO mode.
Project Cost Rs. 2, 65, 00,000.00 [70% subsidy and reaming 30 % recovered @ 3.43/ kWh of Solar energy being supplied.]

Material details of the Rooftop Solar Plant:

  Item Model/Make Specifications
1 Solar Panel  Poly Crystalline,  Sova Solar  (SP330V) 330 Wp, 1516 nos.
2 Inverter  String Inverter , INVT* ( BG60KTR, BG50KTR, BG30KTR) 60 kVA*2 nos. ,50 kVA*7, 30kVA*1
3 MMS  GI structure &Aluminium structure (rail).  341 GI tables (4 panel each table), 328 nos. Al rail
4 DC Cable Siechem DC cables 1c*4 mm.sq.
5 AC Cable Polycab  4 C* 25 Cu wire,  3.5C*50 sq mm Al,3.5C* 70 sq. mm Al, 3.5C* 95 sq. mm Al cable
6 Lugs Copper /Bi metallic Ring type/Pin type
7 ACDBs Havells , L&T Indoor Type/ Wall Mounting
8 Earthing True power, Chemical earthing  3mtr, 24 nos.
9 Online monitoring iMars, Trackso 9nos. iMars, 1 nos. Trackso
10 Radiation Sensor Trackso 1 nos.
11 Weather Monitoring Trackso 1 nos.
12 Solar Energy Meter Secure 6 nos. (Static 3 phase, 4 wire CT operated Trivector LT meter) & 24 nos. (LT CT of Ramanuj)

The plant installation & testing work completed in September, 2018 after all approval from concerned authorities. While going for Grid Synchronization and NET metering it was found that they have PT of transformer with two terminal, and for Grid connected Solar, 3 terminal PT of transformer required, which causes some delay in NET metering.  After changing PT net metering done 0n 15 April 2019 the plant is working properly and satisfactorily. Around 50-60 % of their unit charge is reduced from the APDCL bill.