Health & Well-Being Certification

Our Health & Well-Being Certification services prioritize creating optimal indoor environments that promote health, comfort, and productivity.

Health & Well-Being Certification

At Firstgreen Consulting, we understand that the well-being of building occupants is as important as the building’s environmental performance. Our Health & Well-Being Certification services prioritize creating optimal indoor environments that promote health, comfort, and productivity. Achieving this certification reflects a commitment to enhancing occupant well-being through innovative design, operations, and policies.

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

Firstgreen Consulting offers comprehensive indoor air quality monitoring to ensure that your building maintains optimal air conditions. We conduct thorough testing and provide actionable recommendations to enhance air quality, reducing pollutants and improving occupant health.

Ergonomic Design Consultation

Our team provides expert consultation on ergonomic design, ensuring that workspaces are designed to support the physical health and comfort of occupants. We focus on furniture design, layout, and other factors that contribute to ergonomic excellence.

Lighting and Natural Light Optimization

Proper lighting is crucial for occupant well-being. Firstgreen Consulting helps optimize artificial lighting and maximize natural light usage to create a visually comfortable and stimulating environment. Our solutions enhance mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

WELL Certification Guidance

Firstgreen Consulting provides expert guidance throughout the WELL Certification process. From initial design and planning to implementation and verification, we ensure that your project meets the highest standards of health and well-being.


Leed Platinumcertified projects


Years of experience



80 M

SQFT Certified built up area

Our Team

Meet the creative minds behind our success.

Sanjay Vashishtha


Sandip Ghosh

Head Solar Business

Inderjeet Majumdar

Head Of Sustainablity

Renu Kaushik

Head Of Finance

Geethanjali Selvadurai

Senior Sustainablilty Consultant




Sustainablilty Consultant

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