Traditionally, solar modules are made by solar cells with 78*156 mm size. The solar cells are interconnected with ribbons and create strings within the module. Typically, standard PV cell is of 2 W with 8 Amp. current and 0.5 V voltage. It produces about 4 W power.
Introduction of Half cut cell has reduced the current flow in a standard solar cell by half, in tandem the resistive loses in the cells have also reduced. Less resistance between cells and strings due to introduction of Half Cut cell and lower ampere current flow in the cells has increased the overall power output of the modules. Typically, introduction of Half Cut cell technology has increased power output by 5 to 8 W per module depending upon design.

Half Cut cell technology is integrated with PERC technology and use of backside of solar cells through introduction of bi-facial technology makes the overall solar panel highly cost effective as compared to the traditional solar modules. Half Cut solar technology with PERC technology and Mono Crystalline cells increase the solar cell efficiency as high as 22% which is a significant gain in the solar panel efficiency. If the solar module is bi-facial the power generation further increases by 10% and the comprehensive efficiency of bi-facial, Mono Crystalline, Half Cut cell, PERC technology based solar panel reaches to as high as 24%.
Many companies have introduced the double glass bi-facial Half Cut cell PERC Modules in recent years and the market share of this technology is expected to increase significantly. Many companies have tested these modules and as per field test conditions bi-facial, Half Cut, PERC Modules can increase energy yield by 5-30% depending on the application environment.
Currently, Half Cut cell technology with bi-facial PERC Modules contribute to 10% of global supply. However, according to market supply of ITRPV, Half Cut cells will contribute to 40% market share in 2028 with an average growth rate of about 10%.
One additional advantage of the Half Cut solar cell module is that typically the Half Cut cell modules use split or dual junction box. The advantages of a split junction box over a standard junction box is that ait leads to lesser metalization than a standard panel and a lesser internal resistance as compared to a standard panel. The space saved as a result of this configuration helps to create space between cells, thereby increasing internal reflection of light from the backseat into cell surface which increases efficiency of the panel. Advantages of the Half Cut solar modules:
- Higher Power Output: The increase efficiency of Half Cut cell leads to the higher power output and increased energy yield of your solar power system.
- Less Space Requirement: With a increase power output per module the solar PV installation with Half Cut cell technology requires lesser space specially in case of rooftop solar system and you can do more panels installations on your rooftop.
- Lesser Capital Cost: Using Half Cut Mono PERC PV Module, use less balance of system cost. The structure cost also reduced significantly which leads to the overall project capital cost expenditure reduction and the payback period of the solar PV system also increases.
- Early Payback Period: With lesser capital cost and higher energy yield, adopting Half Cut Mono Crystalline solar PV PERC technology panels makes your payback period shorter and yields to the early return of your capital invested in the solar project.