To develop skilled manpower, Cogen India along with MITCON Consultancy and Engineering Services Ltd, one of its Patron Member, successfully organized MNRE-supported OTPs in Maharashtra (2014–15 and 2015–16) and Uttarakhand (2016). The first OTP was organized from December 2014 to January 2015 at six select cogeneration plants (host sugar factories) in Maharashtra. A total of 72 operators from 13 existing or proposed cogen power plants participated in this training programme. Further, Cogen India organized two OTPs in the states of Maharashtra and Uttarakhand during 2015–16. A total 90 operators from nine sugar factories were trained at five select host sugar factories with existing cogen power plants in Maharashtra, whereas a total of 83 operators from three sugar factories were trained at three select host sugar factories with existing cogen power plants in Uttarakhand.
An overview of the performance of the commissioned cogen power plants has mainly identified the need for improving the operator skills within sugar factories. This was possible through proper on-the-job training at sugar cogen plants. The trained operators from sugar factories can then take on the operation and maintenance for the entire plant life. It was further identified that the skills for operation and maintenance of highefficiency cogen power plants need to be upgraded, particularly in the areas of boiler, steam turbine, water treatment, and electrical distribution/ evacuation.

These innovative and important 6-week intensive OTPs focussed on key areas of cogen power plant, viz., boiler, turbine, electrical distribution/ evacuation, water treatment, DCS, and hygiene and safety. The programmes were designed to inculcate required skills amongst the participating operators, as well as weekly review and feedback, so that they can be effective at their respective work places. As an outcome of these OTPs, a total 245 operators from 25 sugar mills were trained through the three OTPs conducted by Cogen India during 2014–15 and 2015–16. The feedback received from the sugar factories/trainee operators state that there is a positive change in the operational performance of the operators with increase in their confidence level and ability to handle machinery/equipment more skilfully. Post OTP, the operators are exhibiting high level of independence in trouble shooting, taking remedial actions/decisions, and operating the plant. This has achieved reduction in breakdowns and has also eliminated recruitment of high salaried additional skilled staff.
In next five years, a total of about 15 such OTPs shall be organized in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, and Bihar. The sugar factories in the respective states with commissioned/under implementation of cogen power plant can take advantage of these important and useful OTPs, when scheduled.
These OTPs are sure to go a long way to fulfil the large requirement of skill upgradation of key manpower for commissioned/under implementation cogen power projects at sugar factories in India.
Courtesy: Ms Anita Khatal, Chief Coordinator, Cogeneration Association of India, Pune, Maharashtra, India. E-mail: cogenindia.pune@