3rd Global RE-INVEST 2019

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The building blocks for the Indian renewable energy growth are now well in place, and it is time for the country to pole-vault to the next frontier of its journey.

The 3rd Global RE-INVEST 2019, will establish India’s competitiveness in the global renewable energy arena. 3rd Global RE-INVEST is scheduled from 30th October to 2nd November, 2019 at India Expo Mart, Greater Noida, National Capital Territory of Delhi, India, and is being organized by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry. This will coincide with the Second Assembly of International Solar Alliance (ISA) and both these two events are likely to be inaugurated by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. Themes revolving around future oriented policy-making; scaling up and modernizing supporting infrastructure such as the grid and metering mechanisms; creating competences for high-tech, high-volume manufacturing, developing a skilled, adaptable workforce, and adopting the latest technologies including IoT, Software as a Service (SaaS), AI and robotics, will establish India as the most favorable destination for renewable energy in the world. The details on RE-INVEST is available on , which is a dynamic website outlining not only the details of the conference and exhibition but also tracking the latest development in the sector. The 3rd RE-INVEST is expected to be attended by over 75 International Ministerial delegations, more than 1000 global industry leaders and 50,000 delegates. This platform will provide the connect and opportunity to showcase and share policies, achievements, strengths, and the plans for partnerships, through a strong and robust interactive format. India was amongst the earliest nations to explore the potential of renewable energy, starting in the 1970s, driven by the urgency to ensure energy security in the wake of global ‘oil-shocks’. This will be a build up to the 2nd Global RE-INVEST India-ISA Partnership Conference & Expo, held in October 2018 which celebrated the major milestones of India’s renewable energy programme and introduced new focus areas such as battery storage, offshore wind, commercial bio fuels, solar rooftop, innovative financing, nextgen technologies, corporate RE buying, RE startups, and so on. It also took global centre-stage by hosting the First General Assembly of the ISA and the 2nd Renewable Energy Ministerial Meet of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). However, India’s RE story truly began in earnest in 2015. The Government, led by Hon’ble Prime Minister, announced the ambitious target of 175 GW of installed RE capacity by 2022, thus launching the world’s largest RE expansion programme. RE-INVEST 2015, the 1st Global Conference & Expo, was held in February 2015 in New Delhi, to announce the 175 GW target to the international policy, business and investment community, and lay the roadmap for implementation. The last 4 years saw investments worth US$ 42 billion come into India’s RE sector and capacity double to 76 GW, driven by proactive policies, strong investor sentiment, cohesive public and private sector participation, sharp decrease in costs, and support from the states. Besides enhancing national energy security through expansion and diversification of the fuel mix, renewables are now powering India’s quest for sustainable economic growth and ensuring that development is aligned with its clean energy commitments. India becomes largest renewable energy auctions market in the world and the second-largest destination attracting clean energy investments Successfully navigating this transition phase, as the world looks at disruptive innovations and sustainable solutions, will establish India as the new global RE hub is a question that will be answered at the 3rd Global RE-INVEST 2019.

Article Courtesy: Ms Sreya Majumder, Deputy Director and Lead Policy- Energy, Confederation of Indian Industry

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