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  • Phase II of the Grid connected rooftop solar programme was approved for with a target for achieving     a cumulative capacity of 40,000 MW from Rooftop Solar (RTS) Projects by the year 2022 in February 2019. The programme will be implemented with the total central financial support of Rs 11,814 crore through DISCOMs.
  • In the Phase-II Programme Central Financial Assistance (CFA) for the residential sector has been restructured with the availability of 40% CFA for RTS systems up to 3 kW capacity and 20% for RTS system capacity beyond 3 kW and up to 10 kW. For Group Housing Societies/Residential Welfare Associations (GHS/RWA), CFA will be limited to 20% for RTS plants for supply of power to common facilities. However, the capacity eligible for CFA for GHS/RWA will be limited to 10 kW per house with maximum total capacity upto 500 kWp, inclusive of RTS put in individual houses in the GHS/RWA. Central financial support will not be available for other categories i.e. institutional, educational, social, government, commercial, industrial, etc.
  • Rooftop Phase-II Programme is being implemented through DISCOMs.
  • Performance based incentives will be provided to DISCOMs based on RTS capacity achieved in a financial year (i.e. 1st April to 31st March every year till the duration of the scheme) over and above the base capacity i.e. cumulative capacity achieved at the end of previous financial year.
  • Model operating procedure along with suggested timelines developed for implementation of rooftop solar projects.
  • Aggregate capacity of 410.96 MW in residential sector has been allocated for 49 DISCOMS/Electricity Departments as on 31/12/2019.
  • An amount of Rs.6.67 crore has also been released under this phase-II of the rooftop solar programme as on 31/12/2019.