State Policy and the Land Acquisition Clause

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A quick review of solar endowed major state policies shows that a majority of these states have put the onus of acquiring land (and changing its purpose of use if needed) on the developers

1Gujarat Solar Power Policy 2015The developer is responsible for obtaining the land for setting up and operating the solar power project.
2Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Policy, 2015The developer is responsible for obtaining the land for setting up and operating the solar power project. For tribal land, in addition to the lease rentals, a revenue-sharing mechanism for the landowner is envisaged.
3Chhattisgarh State Solar Energy Policy, 2012The developer is responsible for obtaining the land for setting up and operating the solar power project.
4Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2014The developer will be allowed to purchase agricultural land for developing a solar power plant in accordance with provisions of Rajasthan Imposition of Ceiling on Agriculture Holding Act, 1973; Other private lands may be acquired under Ceiling Act, 1973.
5The Karnataka Solar Policy 2014-2021The government of Karnataka contemplates facilitating the deemed conversion of and for solar projects by amending section 95 of land reform act. A separately dedicated cell with staff drawn from the revenue department has been created in KREDL to create land banks for the development of the solar project on a lease basis.
6Madhya Pradesh Policy for implementation of Solar Power projectsGovernment land shall be available as 3.0 hectares per MW. Permission from concerned authorities required for the purchase of forest land. For government land, NRED shall take possession of the land and subsequently give permission to use. Private land acquired for solar development is 50% exempted from stamp duty.
7Telangana Solar Power Policy 2015Developers to acquire land. There is no ceiling on land acquisition for solar projects and solar parks. The land requirement to be computed at the rate of 5 acres/ MW.
Source : Shakti Foundation report on renewable