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Meet all of the following requirements:

1- Meet the requirements of ENERGY STAR for Homes, version 3

Complete the thermal enclosure system rater checklist, the HVAC system quality installation rater and contractor checklists, and the water management system builder checklist.

Certified Passive House projects automatically meet the thermal enclosure system rater checklist requirement.

Achieve a HERS index rating at or below the HERS index target (or USGBC-approved equivalent for projects outside the U.S.) or meet the requirements of the ENERGY STAR for Homes version 3 Prescriptive Pathway, which includes meeting or exceeding all components of the ENERGY STAR Reference Design.

2- At least one of the following appliances must be ENERGY STAR qualified (or performance equivalent for projects outside the U.S.) and installed in each dwelling unit:

  • refrigerator;
  • dishwasher; or
  • clothes washer.

3- All duct runs must be fully ducted (i.e., building cavities may not be used as ducts). Existing portions of an existing building are given the following allowances:

Thermal Enclosure System Rater Checklist

Water-Managed Site and Foundation


Meet both the whole-building energy simulation and commissioning requirements:

Whole-Building Energy Simulation

Demonstrate a 5% improvement over the baseline building performance rating.

Calculate the baseline according to the building performance rating method of USGBC’s residential midrise simulation guidelines, which is based on ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2010, Appendix G (with errata), or USGBC-approved equivalent standard for projects outside the United States, using a computer simulation model for the whole-building project.

Comply with the mandatory provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–2010 (with errata). Comply with USGBC’s residential midrise simulation guidelines.

Include all energy consumption and energy costs associated with the building project.

Compare the design case with a baseline building that complies with Standard 90.1–2010, Appendix G (with errata but without addenda).



Option 1. Commissioning using ENERGY STAR Protocols.

Meet the ENERGY STAR Qualified Multifamily High Rise Buildings Testing and Verification (T&V) Protocols.


Option 2. Commissioning using Prescriptive Path.

Meet all of the following:

  1. Reduced Heating and Cooling Distribution System Losses for In-unit HVAC
  2. Fundamental Commissioning of Central HVAC Systems
  3. Construction Document Specifications
  4. LEED for Homes Multifamily Midrise Thermal Enclosure Inspection Checklist