Indian solar projects hit as Chinese solar module prices rise for the first time since 2017 -ET

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Bengaluru: Prices of Chinese solar modules have increased for the first time since 2017, makingĀ Indian developersĀ apprehensive about returns on their projects because they import about 85% of the equipment from China.

Two unexpected events have led to the recent increase ā€“ an explosion and subsequent damage to the production line atĀ GCL Poly, a Chinese giant that accounts for about 30% of the worldā€™s polysilicon production, and floods in Chinaā€™s southeast that forced the temporary closure of another Chinese poly-silicon producing heavyweight, Tongwei.

These two developments disrupted the global solar module supply chain.

The cost of a single multi-crystalline solar module has gone up to over $17 from $16-16.5. The price of a mono-crystalline module has risen to $18-19 from about $17.5, according to data fromĀ renewableĀ energy consultancy firm,Ā Bridge To IndiaĀ (BTI).

As a result, the equivalent tariff impact on new projects is estimated at about Rs 0.07/kWH, BTI said.

ā€œThis pricing is likely to remain the same for the next 16 to 18 months.Ā Solar developersĀ will see a significant drop in their returns,ā€ said a developer.

ā€œThe problem is that the expectation over the past several years has been that of solar module prices progressively going down,ā€ said an industry executive. ā€œItā€™s going up or down relative to expectations.ā€

The executive implied that since all costs rise over the years, solar module prices were bound to eventually increase and those who bid for projects expecting the opposite were likely to be hit hard.

ā€œIf youā€™re very aggressive in your assumptions (while bidding), itā€™ll happen to you more frequently in future too,ā€ the person said.

As a result, Chinese module suppliers are reneging on signed contracts unless higher prices are paid, according to people aware of the matter.

ā€œModule suppliers are not being faithful to the contracts theyā€™ve signed. They have also been losing money for the last few years, so if they see an opportunity to improve their pricing, there is pressure on them to capture that,ā€ the person said.

Even long-time suppliers were being difficult.

ā€œAgreements between module suppliers and developers do not depend on relationships,ā€ said the executive. ā€œThey are transactional. Modules are treated like a commodity.ā€

ā€œIndian developers also do the same ā€“ this practice of renegotiation has been going on for the past five years,ā€ said another industry insider.

The low tariffs in auctions over the past two months were not sustainable, experts said, all the more so with the latest increase in module prices.

ā€œPrices had fallen sharply temporarily because of huge oversupply post-Covid-19, with the manufacturers keen to clear out inventory at any cost. So, some rebalancing was anyway expected,ā€ said Vinay Rustagi, managing director of BTI.

The developer said that since China is a ā€œcartelised economy,ā€ Indian developers have no choice but to pay a higher price.

The supply chain is controlled almost entirely by China and Indian solar developers are left with no option but to buy from them, the person said.

ā€œThe industry is procuring modules from the Chinese because presently there is no other option. As domestic industry picks up within the next two years, we will shift to domestic procurement,” said Sunil Jain, CEO, Hero Future Energies.

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