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Net metering is the mechanism that allows distribution companies monitor the user’s energy production and consumption. This mechanism also allows consumers who generate some or all of their own electricity to use that electricity anytime, instead of when it is generated. For an instance, consider a prosumer is generating and consuming the electricity and has surplus amount of energy. The surplus amount of energy is feed into the grid. There is another facility to transfer the surplus energy into the grid and use the same amount anytime. This facility is called as Banking.

The net metering policy can vary significantly from country to country and state to state. Most net metering laws involve monthly rollover of KWh credits. Net metering uses the single, and bi-directional meters and can measure the current flowing in both the directions. Net metering can be installed and solely responsible as an accounting procedure, requires no special notification or arrangement. The list of aspects considered for net metering policy are listed one by one for Haryana.

Title – Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive

Order Dated on – Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering Regulations, 2014 dated 25th November 2014 and Amendment dated 9.6.2015

Applicability –

  • Distribution Licensee and consumers of Licensee of the State of Haryana
  • System to be located in the consumer premises
  • Consumers who have already installed Rooftop Solar system Net metering not available for Open Access consumers
  • The net metering facility shall also be applicable to such consumers who have already installed rooftop solar system subject to compliance of these Regulations.
  • These Regulations do not preclude the right of relevant State authorities to undertake rooftop solar projects above the limit of 1 MWp (Mega Watt Peak) capacity.

Eligible Consumer and Individual Plant Capacity–  

  • All eligible consumers in the area of supply of the Licensee
  • The maximum Rooftop Solar system capacity at consumer premises shall not exceed his connected load in case of LT connection and contract demand in case of HT connection
  • Maximum installed capacity shall not exceed 1 MWp for a single eligible consumer

Interconnection with the Grid-

  • Interconnection of Rooftop Solar system with licensee network and meters to conform to the standards, specifications and provisions as provided in CEA Regulations

Wheeling & Cross Subsidy surcharge – No Wheeling and cross subsidy surcharge for this state

Metering Arrangement –

  • Cost of new/additional meter(s), including the cost of replacement, to be borne by the eligible
  • Meters to be installed and maintained by the licensee.
  • The net metering arrangement shall be provided with meter/meters which shall provide the following additional information to the licensee for every billing cycle.
  1. Total energy consumption by the consumer.
  2. Energy generated by the solar system.
  • Net energy (Positive or Negative i.e. Positive for the energy supplied by the licensee and Negative for the energy injected into the grid).

 The net energy metering policy and the additional information for the Haryana state can be seen in the link provided below.