Lighting up the Ideal Home | Episode 1: What is Distributed Solar PV?

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As of now, more than one million households in China have installed distributed solar PV applications. As the world’s leading solar technology company, LONGi’s distributed solar PV solutions have been deployed across the whole world, ushering in an era in which  solar energy is accessible to everyone. In this and a forthcoming series of articles, we aim to provide a comprehensive introduction to distributed PV.

1: What is Solar PV power generation?

Solar PV power generation is a technology that directly converts solar energy into  electricity via the photovoltaic effect of a semiconductor interface. The key element of the technology is the solar cell. After being connected in series, the cells are packaged and protected to form a large-area solar module and then combined with components such as a power controller to form a PV power generation device.

               (Schematic of the principle of PV power generation)

2: What is distributed PV?

A distributed PV power project usually refers to a power generation system that uses  decentralized resources, has a small installed capacity and is arranged in proximity to its users. It is generally connected to the power grid with a voltage level lower than 35kV. It is a relatively new type of power generation and energy utilization mode and has broad development prospects. It advocates the principles of local power generation, local grid connection, local conversion and local use. It can not only effectively increase the energy generated by PV projects of the same size, but can also solve the problems of power loss during simultaneous boosting and long-distance transmission. Put simply, you can install a small solar power project on your own roof or in a nearby open space at any time, not only reducing electricity bills, but also lowering energy consumption.

3: What attracts people to install distributed PV?

Some may question what moves millions of households worldwide to install distributed PV?  It is definitely not to follow a fashionable trend. Distributed PV actually boasts a number of significant advantages.

  1. Low carbon and environmentally friendly. No noise, no air, no water pollution.
  2. High levels of safety. A power generation system independent of the grid, avoiding problems caused by large-scale power outages.
  3. Cost. Low transmission and distribution loss and low installation costs.
  4. Profitable. In addition to receiving state subsidies, users can also “sell” excess electricity to the power grid.

             (PepsiCo Factory Roof Project in Lebanon)

LONGi, focusing this year on the differentiated needs of the distributed PV market, has now launched its new 66C Hi-MO4 monofacial module (Hi-MO4m) which, together with 60C and 72C options, can be widely used on residential and industrial and commercial roofs.


Source: LONGi Solar

Categories: Solar