Five key considerations for module cleaning while designing your solar rooftop plant

Published by firstgreen on

Photovoltaic modules that are cleaned of dust and pollen.

Cleaning systems must complete the approval process outlined below for First Solar compliance and
module warranty support. Required documentation is outlined below and should be submitted to the
First Solar Technical Support team. Additional information may be requested upon review of the design.
ï‚  MSDS & datasheets on the brush material
ï‚  Two samples of the brush material
ï‚  Water hardness, temperature and applied pressure
ï‚  MSDS & datasheets on the cleaning solution
ï‚  Conductivity of water solution
ï‚  Max point loads on module (including total system weight)
ï‚  Dimensions/drawings of cleaning system
ï‚  Photos/video of cleaning system
ï‚  Shading analysis
ï‚  Method of Procedure (MOP)