Greening the grid..

Published by firstgreen on

This graph released recently in the BP statistical review of world energy highlights, how the cola is gradually being displaced through renewables in the grid electricity..

Share of renewables and coal
in global power generation.. BP Statistical review

The share of renewable energy generation in the grid electricity generation globally increasing trends during the last decade.

  1. The renewables grow is taking place at the expense of coal fired power generation.. The typical decline in coal based generation is about 5% and the energy supply from renewables is also of the order of about 5% annual growth in the grid electricity mix..
  2. This trends exactly tells us, what needs to be done as our long term policy to achieve net zero targets. The COVID induced demand fall has also shown us clearly, that if we achieve a mix of energy efficiency and renewables, we can green the grid..
  3. There was an addition of 358 TWH of renewable electricity in year 2021, Which was highest ever electricity addition in renewable energy capacity..

Categories: climate talks