Power demands jumps by 45,000 MW this year!

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India’s power demand has been increasing day by day. This year has jumped by a record of 40,000-45,000 MW per day as a result of intense heat waves through northern parts of the country.
This massive addition in the generation capacity will integrate the country into one transmission grid and strengthen the distribution system. It will ensure the 23-23.5 hours of electricity supply.
India’s electricity demand was recorded at an all-time high of 2,10,792 Mw and 4712 million units of electricity were consumed.
Power plants are operating at their full- capacity to meet this demand. Along with that, Central Government has ordered coal import to meet the shortfall in domestic supplies.
The whole power sector has changed during these 8 years. Before that, power deficit and load shedding were endemic.

According to a survey, the average availability of power in rural areas was about 12.5 hours at the national level. Today it is 22.5 hours
Power plants operate at run rates much lower than their capacity. In the case of renewable energy units, its contribution is just 1/5th of the rated capacity

The whole country was connected into one–grid with one frequency after 1.66 lakh circuit km of transmission lines were laid. This was supplemented by the strengthening of the distribution system with the replacement of old lines, in addition to high & low tension lines, transformers, substations, and feeder lines.

Today, India is the world’s largest single-frequency electricity grid. The availability of power has increased.

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