Green building incentives in terms of extra FAR in various states

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Green building certification is becoming increasingly popular among real estate developers and property owners in India, as it helps reduce a building’s environmental impact and increase its value. To promote sustainable building practices, several states in India have introduced incentives in the form of extra Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for buildings that achieve green building certification. In this article, we will look at the incentives available in five states in India: Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, and Telangana.

  1. Haryana: Haryana has introduced an incentive in the form of an additional 15% FAR for buildings that achieve green building certification under any recognized rating system. This incentive is available for both residential and commercial buildings.
  2. Uttar Pradesh: Uttar Pradesh offers an additional 5% FAR for buildings that achieve a rating of Platinum or higher under the rating. This incentive is available for commercial buildings only.
  3. Kerala: Kerala has introduced an incentive in the form of an additional 10% FAR for buildings that achieve a rating of Gold or higher under any recognized rating system. This incentive is available for both residential and commercial buildings.
  4. Karnataka: Karnataka offers an additional 10% FAR for buildings that achieve a rating of Gold or higher under any recognized rating system. This incentive is available for both residential and commercial buildings.
  5. Telangana: Telangana offers an additional 10% FAR for buildings that achieve a rating of Gold or higher under any recognized rating system. This incentive is available for both residential and commercial buildings.

In addition to these incentives, some states also offer other benefits to green buildings, such as faster approvals, reduced property taxes, and lower interest rates on loans. These incentives are aimed at encouraging real estate developers and property owners to adopt sustainable building practices and reduce the environmental impact of their buildings.