A step-by-step approach to getting your building certified LEED Zero Water

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A step-by-step approach to getting your building certified LEED Zero Water Use:

  1. Determine if your building is eligible for LEED Zero Water certification: Your building must first meet the requirements for LEED certification, and then meet the additional requirements for Zero Water certification.
  2. Gather data on potable water consumption for the last 12 months: This can be obtained from your utility bills or water meter readings. You will need to provide this data for both indoor and outdoor water use.
  3. Determine total offsite water sources for 12 months (if applicable): If your building is receiving reclaimed water from a municipality or using renovated waste water from a municipality, you will need to provide details on the amount used.
  4. Gather details on onsite water sources: This includes any captured rainwater, rainwater runoff, AHU condensation water, stream recovery water, greywater reuse, or other water sources available on site. You will need to provide details on the volume of water collected and how it is used.
  5. Gather details on water collected from building systems: This includes any onsite treated wastewater that is collected and reused on site. You will need to provide details on the volume of water collected and how it is treated and reused.
  6. Review the LEED Zero Water certification requirements: Make sure you understand all the requirements for certification and ensure you have all the necessary documentation to demonstrate compliance.
  7. Submit documentation for certification: Once you have all the necessary documentation, you can submit it to the US Green Building Council for review and certification.
  8. Maintain compliance: To maintain LEED Zero Water certification, you will need to continue monitoring and reporting on water use, and implement any necessary water conservation measures to ensure ongoing compliance with the certification requirements.