Urban electrification and renewable deployment in China- Lessons for India

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China has been a global leader in urban electrification and renewable energy deployment, with a focus on building energy storage, advanced digital technologies, demand-side flexibility, sector coupling, and energy efficiency improvements. These strategies can provide lessons for India, which has set ambitious targets for renewable energy deployment and electrification in its cities.

One of China’s primary challenges in integrating variable renewable electricity into the grid is energy storage. Building energy storage can help stabilize the grid by storing excess electricity when production is high and releasing it when production is low. India can follow this strategy to ensure that energy supply meets demand at all times.

Advanced digital technologies can help monitor and control the flow of electricity in the grid. Smart energy management systems can instantly balance variable production with demand, ensuring that electricity supply meets demand at all times. This strategy will also help reduce the need for additional generation capacity to meet rising demand. India can also adopt this strategy to reduce the gap between supply and demand.

Demand-side flexibility refers to the ability of energy consumers to adjust their energy usage to match the available supply of electricity. India can encourage consumers to adjust their energy usage patterns to match the available supply of electricity, demand-side flexibility can help reduce peak demand and stabilize the grid.

Sector coupling refers to the integration of various sectors, such as transport, buildings, and industry, to facilitate the integration of variable renewable energy (VRE) sources such as solar PV and wind energy at the regional and national levels. India can identify and evaluate the various trade-offs presented by coupling different sectors to advance the urban energy transition towards net zero.

Energy efficiency improvements in buildings can help reduce energy consumption and stabilize the grid. This strategy includes measures such as improving insulation, upgrading heating and cooling systems, and installing energy-efficient lighting. By reducing energy consumption, energy efficiency improvements can also help reduce the need for additional generation capacity to meet rising demand. India can adopt these measures to reduce energy consumption and stabilize the grid.

In conclusion, China’s strategies for urban electrification and renewable energy deployment can provide valuable lessons for India. Building energy storage, advanced digital technologies, demand-side flexibility, sector coupling, and energy efficiency improvements are key strategies that can help India achieve its goals of renewable energy deployment and urban electrification. By adopting these strategies, India can accelerate the transition to a net-zero future and benefit from the race to net zero.