An Overview of LEED for Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M) Certification: Points and Certification Level

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LEED for Operations and Maintenance (O+M) is a rating system designed to help building owners and operators measure and improve the performance of their existing buildings. The system provides a framework for implementing sustainable practices in areas such as energy and water efficiency, waste reduction, and indoor air quality.

LEED for O+M certification is based on a points system, with projects earning points for achieving specific sustainability goals. The total number of points earned determines the project’s Performance Score, which in turn determines the level of LEED certification awarded. The certification levels are consistent with the LEED rating system, with 40-49 points earning a Certified level, 50-59 points earning Silver, 60-79 points earning Gold, and 80-100 points earning Platinum.

LEED Certification Levels

To achieve certification, projects pursuing LEED for O+M certification must meet all of the system’s prerequisites, which include requirements in the areas of Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, and Indoor Environmental Quality. These prerequisites ensure that projects are implementing basic sustainable practices in these areas.

LEED (O+M): Scorecard for Existing Buildings