A checklist for conducting waste audit of your building

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A waste audit is a critical step towards achieving a zero-waste goal for your business. It is an effective way to identify the types and quantities of waste generated in your facility, and to determine opportunities to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Conducting a waste audit involves a systematic review of your waste management practices, from the generation of waste to its disposal. To help you get started, we’ve put together a comprehensive waste audit checklist that covers all aspects of the process.

  1. Establish goals and objectives: Before you begin, it is essential to define your goals and objectives for conducting a waste audit. Determine what you want to achieve through the audit, and how you will measure success. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your waste reduction objectives.
  2. Assemble a team: Form a waste audit team that includes representatives from various departments in your organization. This team should be responsible for conducting the audit and developing recommendations for reducing waste.
  3. Conduct a waste assessment: Conduct a waste assessment to identify the types and quantities of waste generated in your facility. This can be done by visually inspecting waste streams and reviewing records of waste generation and disposal.
  4. Categorize waste: Categorize waste into different types, such as organic, recyclable, and non-recyclable waste. This will help you identify opportunities for diversion and reduction.
  5. Weigh and measure waste: Weigh and measure each type of waste generated in your facility. This will help you determine the baseline for waste reduction and track progress over time.
  6. Analyze waste data: Analyze waste data to identify patterns and trends in waste generation. This will help you identify opportunities for waste reduction and diversion.
  7. Develop recommendations: Develop recommendations for reducing waste based on the waste audit findings.