Understanding LEED BD+C: sustainable sites category

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LEED BD+D (Building Design and Construction) is a certification program that aims to promote sustainable building design, construction, and operations. One of the credit categories is Sustainable Sites, which focuses on promoting site sustainability and minimizing the environmental impact of the building site. The Sustainable Sites category has a total of 10 possible points, and there are six different credits under this category, each with specific documentation requirements.

The different credits under the Sustainable Sites category are:

  1. Construction Activity Pollution Prevention (Required): This credit is mandatory and requires projects to control soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and airborne dust during construction activities.
  2. Site Assessment (1 point): This credit requires contour mapping, topography survey, and soil preservation to assess the site’s potential for sustainable development.
  3. Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat (2 points): This credit requires restoration of 30% of previously developed areas and justifying restoration strategies. Projects can also earn points by providing financial support to land conservation organizations at a rate of $4 per square meter.
  4. Open Space (1 point): This credit requires the site to have more than 30% open space of the site area.
  5. Rainwater Management (3 points): This credit requires projects to adopt low-impact development rainwater strategies such as ponds or water bodies to manage rainwater. Projects can earn an additional point if the project has significant land area.
  6. Heat Island Reduction (2 points): This credit requires projects to adopt roof and non-roof related heat island strategies.
  7. Light Pollution Reduction (1 point): This credit requires ensuring that outdoor lighting does not cause light trespass.

The documentation requirements for each credit are as follows:

Credit Name Points Documentation Requirements Example Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Required Control measures for soil erosion, sedimentation, and airborne dust Mulching and silt fencing are installed to prevent soil erosion Site Assessment 1 Contour mapping, topography survey, and soil preservation A topographical survey shows the site’s contours and drainage patterns Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat 2 Restoration strategy, justification of restoration strategies A plan for restoring 30% of previously developed areas is submitted Open Space 1 Proof of open space area Multi-use trails and recreation areas make up 35% of the site’s area Rainwater Management 3 Rainwater management plan, documentation of low-impact development strategies A rain garden is designed to capture and filter stormwater runoff Heat Island Reduction 2 Documentation of roof and non-roof strategies Roof is painted with reflective material to reduce heat absorption Light Pollution Reduction 1 Documentation of light fixtures and placement Full cut-off fixtures prevent light trespass

In summary, the Sustainable Sites credit category includes six credits with a total of 10 possible points. Projects can earn points by controlling construction pollution, assessing the site’s potential for sustainable development, restoring previously developed areas, providing open space, managing rainwater, reducing heat island effect, and reducing light pollution. Documentation requirements vary depending on the credit and include control measures for soil erosion, contour mapping, restoration plans, proof of open space, rainwater management plans, heat island reduction strategies, and documentation of light fixtures and placement.

Below is a table summarizing the Sustainable Sites category and the points that can be earned under each credit:

Credit Name Credit Points Documentation Requirements Example Construction Activity Pollution Prevention Required Control measures for soil erosion, sedimentation, and airborne dust Mulching and silt fencing are installed to prevent soil erosion Site Assessment 1 Contour mapping, topography survey, and soil preservation A topographical survey shows the site’s contours and drainage patterns Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat 2 Restoration strategy,

Here’s a summary table of LEED credits related to sustainable sites:

Credit NameCredit PointsDocumentation RequirementsExample
Construction Activity Pollution PreventionRequiredControl soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and airborne dust during construction activities.
Site Assessment1Contour mapping, topography survey, soil preservation report.Assess the site’s ecological value and limitations before development.
Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat2Restoration plan and justification, financial support documentation.Restore 30% of previously developed areas, or provide financial support to land conservation organizations.
Open Space1Open space calculation documentation.Provide at least 30% open space on site.
Rainwater Management3Rainwater management plan and strategies documentation.Implement low impact development strategies to manage rainwater runoff.
Heat Island Reduction2Heat island reduction plan and strategies documentation.Use non-roof related strategies to reduce heat island effects on site.
Light Pollution Reduction1Outdoor lighting plan documentation.Ensure outdoor lighting does not contribute to light trespass or pollution.

These credits are part of the LEED BD+D (Building Design and Construction) certification program for green building design, construction, and operations. They focus on promoting sustainable practices related to construction activity pollution prevention, site assessment, habitat protection and restoration, open space, rainwater management, heat island reduction, and light pollution reduction. The credit points available range from 1 to 3 points, with a total of 10 points available under the Sustainable Sites category.

Documentation requirements vary for each credit and may include site assessment reports, restoration plans, open space calculations, rainwater management plans, heat island reduction strategies, and lighting plans. Examples of documentation for each credit are provided in the table.

By achieving these sustainable site credits, projects can contribute to reducing environmental impact, improving public health, and enhancing community livability.