Five steps to achieve redesign credit compliance for TRUE Certification

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Assess current infrastructure and contracts: The first step in achieving compliance with the redesign credit is to assess the organization’s current waste management infrastructure and contracts. This involves reviewing the size and color of collection containers, as well as working with waste management service providers who share the organization’s zero waste goals.

Design effective flow of materials: To achieve the redesign credit, it is essential to design an effective flow of materials that prioritizes waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. This involves identifying opportunities for reduction and reuse, establishing mutually beneficial vendor relationships, and implementing best practices for material flow.

Redesign products and resource management: Redesigning products and resource management plays a significant role in achieving zero waste and circular economy goals. This step involves identifying opportunities for redesign, such as using more sustainable materials or implementing closed-loop production processes.

Review supply chain: To achieve TRUE certification, organizations must review their entire supply chain to identify areas for improvement. This involves evaluating the environmental impact of suppliers and implementing sustainable procurement practices.

Monitor and track progress: Once redesign efforts are implemented, it is essential to monitor and track progress over time. This involves measuring waste diversion rates, tracking cost savings, and identifying areas for ongoing improvement. Regular reporting and communication of progress are also important to demonstrate ongoing commitment to sustainable resource management.