Five steps for waste diversion credit to comply with the TRUE Certification

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Develop a waste management plan: To comply with the TRUE credits, organizations need to have a waste management plan that includes strategies for reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting waste. The plan should also include a tracking system for measuring waste diversion.

Collect data: Collect data on the weight and type of non-hazardous solid materials generated by the organization. Use scales or weight tickets to measure the weight of waste and keep track of the different types of waste generated.

Implement waste reduction strategies: To increase waste diversion, implement strategies for reducing waste, such as using reusable containers, purchasing products with less packaging, and reducing paper usage.

Track waste diversion: Use a tracking tool to calculate the total weight of waste generated, materials sent to landfill, incineration or environment, materials reduced, reused, recycled or composted. Calculate the annual average diversion rate by dividing the total weight of materials diverted by the total weight of waste generated.

Continuously improve: Review the waste management plan and waste diversion data regularly and make adjustments to improve the diversion rate. Set goals for waste reduction and monitor progress towards those goals.

By following these five steps, organizations can comply with the TRUE credits and improve their waste diversion rate. This not only helps to reduce the environmental impact of waste but also can have cost savings for the organization.