Zero Waste Purchasing for TRUE Certification

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Prioritize reusable and durable products: Choose products that can be used multiple times and are made from durable materials that will last a long time. Look for products that are designed to be repaired or have replacement parts available.

Avoid single-use and disposable products: Avoid products that are designed to be used once and thrown away, such as plastic utensils, paper plates, and disposable cups. Instead, opt for reusable alternatives, such as cloth napkins, reusable containers, and refillable water bottles.

Choose products with minimal packaging: Look for products with minimal or no packaging, or packaging that can be recycled or composted. Avoid products with excessive or unnecessary packaging, such as individually wrapped snacks or items with plastic wrap.

Support sustainable and ethical brands: Choose products from companies that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices, such as using environmentally-friendly materials or sourcing from fair trade suppliers. Research and support brands that align with your values.

Buy in bulk: Buying in bulk reduces the amount of packaging waste generated from individual products. Consider purchasing items like grains, beans, and snacks in bulk and storing them in reusable containers at home. If purchasing in bulk isn’t possible, consider buying larger sizes of products to reduce packaging waste.

By implementing these tips, individuals and businesses can make progress towards zero waste purchasing, reducing the amount of waste generated and supporting sustainable and ethical practices.