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Performance-based indoor air quality design and assessment is a process that ensures the delivery of clean and healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) to building occupants. IAQ affects human health, productivity, and comfort, and can be impacted by factors such as outdoor air quality, building materials, ventilation systems, and occupant activities. Therefore, it is essential to design and assess IAQ to maintain a healthy and comfortable environment for building occupants. In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step approach to IAQ design and assessment

Step-by-step approach to IAQ design and assessment

The following steps are generally involved in IAQ design and assessment:

  1. Determine the building ventilation requirements The first step is to determine the required ventilation rate for the building. The ventilation rate is based on the building occupancy, size, and usage. This can be calculated using the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) standards.
  2. Determine the sources of indoor air pollutants The second step is to identify potential sources of indoor air pollutants such as building materials, furniture, and equipment. This information can be obtained through building material specifications, occupant activities, and equipment manuals.
  3. Design and select appropriate ventilation systems Based on the building’s ventilation requirements and potential sources of indoor air pollutants, the next step is to design and select appropriate ventilation systems that can provide sufficient fresh air and remove indoor air pollutants. This can include selecting the right type of air filters, designing ductwork, and determining the optimal placement of air inlets and outlets.
  4. Verify the design with computer simulations Computer simulations can be used to verify the performance of the ventilation systems and predict indoor air quality under different scenarios. This can help to optimize the design and ensure that it meets the desired IAQ standards.
  5. Commissioning and testing After the ventilation systems are installed, commissioning and testing can be performed to ensure that they are operating as designed and meeting the desired IAQ standards.
  6. Continuous monitoring and maintenance Regular monitoring and maintenance of the ventilation systems are essential to maintain the desired IAQ standards. This can include filter replacements, cleaning ducts, and adjusting ventilation rates based on occupancy and usage changes.
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