Step by step process to comply with IGBC Green Landscape credit for Native Species

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Complying with IGBC landscape credit for native species is an important aspect of sustainable landscape design. By restoring and maintaining native plant species in a project, it facilitates their adaptability to the local climate, soil, and ecosystem. This, in turn, helps in reducing water consumption, maintenance costs, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Here are the step-by-step methods to comply with the IGBC landscape credit for native species.

Step 1: Conduct a Site Analysis

The first step is to conduct a site analysis to identify the native plant species that are suitable for the site. The site analysis should include an evaluation of the climate, soil type, topography, and hydrology of the site. This information can be used to determine the types of native plant species that will thrive in the local conditions.

Step 2: Select Native Species

Based on the site analysis, select the native plant species that are appropriate for the site. Native plant species should be selected based on their ability to survive and thrive in the local conditions. This will help to ensure that the plants are well adapted to the site and require minimal maintenance.

Step 3: Calculate the Percentage of Landscape Area with Native Species

Calculate the percentage of landscape area with native species. Ensure that at least 15% of the total landscape area is provided with native plant species. To calculate the percentage of landscape area with native species, divide the total area of the native species by the total landscape area and multiply by 100.

Step 4: Prepare Documentation

The following documentation is required to comply with the IGBC landscape credit for native species:

  • Narrative describing the measures taken for selection of native species
  • Calculations indicating the percentage of landscape area provided with native plant species
  • Landscape plan highlighting the location of areas planted with native species
  • List of native plant species used in the project, including trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, and grasses.

Summarized table of required documentation:

NarrativeMeasures taken for selection of native species
CalculationsPercentage of landscape area with native plant species
Landscape planLocation of areas planted with native species
List of native plant speciesIncluding trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, and grasses

By following these steps, you can comply with the IGBC landscape credit for native species. This not only helps to promote the use of native plants but also enhances the ecological integrity of the project site.