IGBC Green Landscape- Material Selection Credit-Materials with Recycled Content

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In today’s world, there is an increasing need to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment. One of the ways to achieve this is by using materials with recycled content. The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has included a landscape credit in its rating system, which encourages the use of such materials. In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step method to comply with the IGBC landscape credit for Materials with Recycled Content.

Compliance Options:

To comply with this credit, the project must use materials having recycled content such that the total recycled content constitutes at least 20% of the materials used in the site. Points are awarded based on the percentage of materials with recycled content as shown below:

Percentage of materials with recycled contentPoints


To calculate the percentage of recycled materials, we need to consider the cost of the materials. The material cost is calculated as Total Cost – (Labour Cost + Installation Cost). If Labour and Installation cost is not known, the default material cost should be considered as 60% of the total cost of the component. The cost of electrical, mechanical & plumbing equipment, systems and appliances should not be considered in the total material cost. Temporary materials such as materials used for form-work, scaffolding, etc., should not be considered for credit calculations.

Documentation Required:

Type of ProjectDocumentation Required
New Parks/GardensCalculations indicating the percentage of recycled materials (in terms of cost) with respect to the total materials cost of the project. Manufacturer letters indicating the percentage of recycled content in materials procured.
Existing Parks/GardensA copy of the organizational policy for the use of materials with recycled content for construction and landscape areas, in case of any renovation.


Using materials with recycled content is an effective way to reduce the environmental impact of construction activities. By complying with the IGBC landscape credit for Materials with Recycled Content, projects can earn points towards achieving a green building rating. The step-by-step method outlined in this article, along with the required documentation, can help projects comply with this credit.