A review of some of the large solar rooftop installations

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Solar energy is the future of the world’s energy mix, and solar rooftop installations have become increasingly popular in recent years. In this article, we will look at some of the large solar rooftop installations around the world.

  1. Radha Soami Satsang Beas, Amritsar India 7.52 MW: The Radha Soami Satsang Beas in Amritsar, India, boasts of a single rooftop solar power plant with a capacity of 7.52 MW. The plant is one of the largest rooftop solar installations in the world and generates enough electricity to meet the energy needs of over 8,000 households.
  2. Constellation energy- Toys R Us Flanders, NJ USA 5.38 MW: In Flanders, New Jersey, the Toys R Us facility has installed a 5.38 MW solar rooftop installation. The solar installation provides approximately 72% of the electricity needed for the facility and has helped Toys R Us save over $70,000 annually in energy costs.
  3. Boeing 787 assembly building South Carolina USA 2.6 MW: The Boeing assembly building in South Carolina has installed a 2.6 MW solar rooftop installation. The solar installation provides approximately 20% of the electricity needed for the facility and has helped Boeing save over $100,000 annually in energy costs.
  4. Southern California Edison, Fontana, CA USA 2.0 MW: Southern California Edison has installed a 2.0 MW solar rooftop installation in Fontana, California. The installation provides electricity to the local grid and has helped Southern California Edison meet its renewable energy goals.
  5. Antwerp Belgium Belgium 40 MW (In Campus): Antwerp in Belgium has installed a solar rooftop installation of 40 MW, the largest solar rooftop installation in the world. The installation provides electricity to the local grid and has helped Antwerp reduce its carbon footprint and meet its renewable energy goals.
  6. Bay Resort DLR Group -Mandalay Convention Center, Las Vegas NV USA 6.4 MW: The Mandalay Convention Center in Las Vegas has installed a 6.4 MW solar rooftop installation. The installation provides approximately 20% of the electricity needed for the facility and has helped Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino save over $600,000 annually in energy costs.

In conclusion, these case studies demonstrate the growing trend of solar rooftop installations around the world. These large solar rooftop installations not only generate renewable energy but also provide significant cost savings to the facilities and help reduce their carbon footprint. As solar technology advances, we can expect to see more of these large solar rooftop installations being installed around the world.