Enhanced Refrigerant Management: Energy and Atmosphere Credit for LEED Existing building (O+M)

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Refrigerants play an important role in heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) equipment. They are essential to keep our indoor environment comfortable and cool. However, some refrigerants contribute to climate change and ozone depletion. The use of such refrigerants has prompted building owners and managers to adopt new refrigerant management practices. The Enhanced Refrigerant Management credit is a great way to demonstrate commitment to reducing direct contributions to climate change.

The Enhanced Refrigerant Management credit is available for LEED Existing building (O+M) and Interiors projects. The credit aims to reduce ozone depletion and support early compliance with the Montreal Protocol while minimizing direct contributions to climate change.

There are two options available to achieve this credit:

Option 1: No Refrigerants or Low-Impact Refrigerants: This option requires that no refrigerants are used or that only refrigerants (naturally occurring or synthetic) that have an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero and a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 50 are used.

Option 2: Calculation of Refrigerant Impact: This option requires the selection of refrigerants that minimize or eliminate the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone depletion and climate change. The Fundamental Refrigerant Management Calculator is used to calculate the environmental impact of refrigerants based on their ODP and GWP values. The credit also requires the submission of refrigerant charge calculations (for VRF systems only), refrigerant equipment schedule, and leak test results (for commercial refrigeration systems only). Commercial refrigeration systems can also meet this option by achieving GreenChill certification.

To achieve this credit, building owners and managers need to provide the required documentation for each option. For Option 1, a description of the low-impact refrigerants used or a description of why no refrigerants are needed is required. For Option 2, the Fundamental Refrigerant Management Calculator, refrigerant charge calculations (for VRF systems only), refrigerant equipment schedule or GreenChill certification (for commercial refrigeration systems only), and leak test results (for commercial refrigeration systems only) are required.

OptionRequirementsRequired Documentation
1Do not use refrigerants, or use only refrigerants (naturally occurring or synthetic) that have an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero and a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 50.Description of the low-impact refrigerants used or description of why no refrigerants are needed.
2Select refrigerants that are used in HVAC&R equipment to minimize or eliminate the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone depletion and climate change.Fundamental refrigerant management calculator, refrigerant charge calculations (for VRF systems only), refrigerant equipment schedule or GreenChill certification (for commercial refrigeration systems only), leak test results (for commercial refrigeration systems only).
Table 1: Enhanced Refrigerant Management Requirements and Documentation for LEED Existing Buildings (O+M)

Enhanced Refrigerant Management credit is a great way to reduce direct contributions to climate change while maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. Building owners and managers should consider adopting refrigerant management practices that reduce the environmental impact of refrigerants. By achieving this credit, they not only demonstrate their commitment to the environment but also contribute to a better future for all.