Grid Harmonization: Energy and Atmosphere Credit for LEED Existing building (O+M)

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The Grid Harmonization credit for LEED Existing Buildings (O+M) aims to promote demand response technologies and programs that improve energy generation and distribution systems, increase grid reliability, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This credit is worth one point, and the following are the requirements to achieve it:

Case 1: Demand Response Program Available and Participation

  • Participate in an existing demand response (DR) program with a minimum one-year commitment to enroll at least 10% of the annual on-peak electricity demand.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan to meet the contractual commitment during a demand response event.
  • Include DR processes in the current facilities requirements and operations and maintenance plan.
  • Initiate at least one full test of the DR plan.

Case 2: Demand Response Capable Building

  • Have infrastructure in place to take advantage of future demand response programs or dynamic, real-time pricing programs.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan to shed at least 10% of the annual on-peak electricity demand.
  • Include DR processes in the current facilities requirements and operations and maintenance plan.
  • Initiate at least one full test of the DR plan as part of the building commissioning program.
  • Contact local utility representatives to discuss participation in future DR programs.

Case 3: Load Flexibility and Management Strategies

  • Analyze the building’s annual load shape and peak load based on metered electricity use and electric utility bills.
  • Review the regional grid load profile using the metric of peak load or peak carbon emissions.
  • Coordinate review of building load shape and peak load with review of the regional grid profile to identify the best value load management strategies that the building can provide.
  • Implement one or more of the load flexibility and management strategies described below:
    • Load shifting
    • Thermal energy storage
    • Onsite renewable energy generation
    • Building automation system optimization
    • Peak load reduction through occupant behavior
  • Install interval recording meters with communications and the ability for the building automation system to accept an external price signal.

This credit incentivizes building owners and operators to participate in demand response programs and adopt load management strategies that benefit both the building and the grid. By reducing peak demand and improving grid reliability, these actions can lead to a more sustainable and resilient energy system.