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HIMURJA has commissioned a grid-connected solar rooftop power plant with a capacity of 20 kW in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. The work of supply, installation, and commissioning of grid-connected rooftop solar power plant was awarded to M/s Deltron Control Systems Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. For the 20 kW capacity power to be produced, 60 solar panels of 335 Watt capacity per panel have been installed on the rooftop. This plant has been installed at the cost of approx. `10.00 lakh. One bi-directional meter has also been installed by HP State Electricity Board Ltd. for the functioning of solar power plant in the office premises of the Deputy Commissioner, Mandi, which is essential for energy inflow and outflow from solar plant to the main electricity grid. One Grid Tie Inverter/Power Conditioning Unit has also been installed in the office premises. Through this plant, solar power would be fed to main grid and therefore the consumption of electric power will be reduced. This will lead to power saving and would offset the carbon dioxide (CO2 ) in the atmosphere. It has been estimated that the return on the investment made on the installation and connection of rooftop solar power plant will be made in approximately 5–6 years which will lead to revenue saving of the Government. As per estimation, about `50 lakh would be saved in the next 25 years.

The State Government has urged all the government departments and private organizations of the state to adopt renewable energy technologies such as solar power plants, etc., in their office premises so that contribution towards energy saving and environment conservation could be made. All residents should also adopt solar-based energy technologies so that everybody can contribute towards energy saving which in turn would also lead to revenue saving of the state and simultaneously reduce their carbon footprint and protect environment for future generations.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India through HIMURJA is providing 60% financial assistance for grid connected solar rooftop power plants in the state of Himachal Pradesh for government sector installations.

Contributed by Shri Panna Lal Sharma, Shimla, HP

Categories: Solar