Achieving LEED Compliance with Daylight Analysis: The SDA Method

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The importance of daylight in creating comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environments cannot be overstated. A well-designed space not only reduces the need for artificial lighting but also contributes to occupants’ well-being and productivity. The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system recognizes this fact and includes daylight analysis as a part of its compliance requirements. This blog article will discuss the Spatial Daylight Autonomy (SDA) method, one of the most popular approaches to conducting daylight analysis, and its role in meeting LEED compliance.

What is Spatial Daylight Autonomy (SDA)?

Spatial Daylight Autonomy (SDA) is a performance metric that evaluates the daylight availability in a space. It measures the percentage of a space that receives sufficient daylight for a specific period during the year. SDA is calculated as the fraction of time when the illuminance level on a work plane exceeds a specific threshold (usually 300 lux) during standard operating hours (8 AM to 6 PM) without the use of artificial lighting.

Why is SDA important for LEED compliance?

LEED v4 includes the “Daylight” credit, which awards points to projects that demonstrate adequate daylight levels in regularly occupied spaces. One of the ways to achieve this credit is by meeting the SDA requirements outlined in the LEED guidelines. The SDA method is a valuable tool for architects and designers to optimize daylight availability and ensure energy efficiency, occupant satisfaction, and LEED compliance.

Steps to conduct daylight analysis using the SDA method for LEED compliance

  1. Develop a 3D model: Create a detailed 3D model of the building, including the geometry, material properties, and surrounding context. Accurate modeling of the building and its environment is crucial for reliable daylight analysis results.
  2. Define analysis settings: Set the analysis parameters, such as the location, date range, and time step. Also, define the work plane height (typically 0.76 meters or 2.5 feet) and the illuminance threshold (usually 300 lux).
  3. Perform the daylight simulation: Run the daylight simulation using specialized software such as Radiance, DIVA, or IES-VE. These tools use sophisticated algorithms to simulate the daylight distribution in the space, considering factors like direct sunlight, diffuse sky illumination, and inter-reflections.
  4. Analyze the SDA results: Calculate the SDA value for each point on the work plane, and determine the percentage of the area that meets the SDA requirements. According to LEED v4, to achieve the “Daylight” credit, at least 55% of the regularly occupied floor area should meet the SDA criterion (300 lux for at least 50% of the operating hours).
  5. Iterate and optimize: If the initial SDA results do not meet the LEED requirements, identify areas for improvement in the building design, such as increasing window sizes, adjusting window-to-wall ratios, or incorporating light shelves and shading devices. Iterate the daylight analysis process until the desired SDA values are achieved.
Sample daylight analysis using IES VE


The Spatial Daylight Autonomy (SDA) method is an essential tool for architects and designers to evaluate and optimize daylight availability in their projects. By incorporating the SDA method into the design process, professionals can create sustainable and energy-efficient spaces that meet LEED compliance, enhance occupants’ well-being, and contribute to a greener built environment.