Tracking the Sun: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Trackers

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As the world continues to shift towards cleaner, renewable energy sources, solar power has become a vital contributor to this transition. One technology that has significantly increased the efficiency of solar panels is solar trackers. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the world of solar trackers, their classification, benefits, top five manufacturers, and a comparison of their performances.

Classification of Solar Trackers:

Solar trackers can be classified into two main categories: single-axis and dual-axis.

  1. Single-axis trackers: These trackers follow the sun’s movement from east to west and rotate along a single axis. They come in two main subtypes: horizontal and tilted single-axis trackers. Horizontal single-axis trackers are more common, especially in regions with high solar exposure, while tilted single-axis trackers can be more effective in regions with higher latitudes.
  2. Dual-axis trackers: These trackers can rotate along both the vertical and horizontal axes, allowing them to track the sun’s movement more precisely. Although dual-axis trackers offer increased energy output, they are typically more complex and expensive than single-axis trackers.

Benefits of Solar Trackers:

  1. Increased energy output: Solar trackers can improve energy output by up to 45% compared to stationary solar panels. By continuously following the sun, trackers maximize solar energy absorption, ensuring panels operate at optimal angles throughout the day.
  2. Reduced installation space: Trackers allow for more efficient use of land, as fewer solar panels are needed to produce the same amount of energy compared to a fixed-tilt system.
  3. Enhanced performance in non-optimal locations: Solar trackers can significantly improve solar panel performance in locations with less-than-ideal sunlight conditions, such as high latitudes or regions with varying seasonal sunlight patterns.

Top Five Solar Tracker Manufacturers:

  1. NEXTracker: NEXTracker is a leading global solar tracker manufacturer known for its innovative single-axis tracker technology. Their flagship product, the NX Horizon, offers advanced features like independent row tracking and a self-powered design, which make it a popular choice for large-scale solar projects.
  2. Array Technologies: Array Technologies is a pioneer in solar tracking solutions and has been in the industry for more than three decades. They offer both single-axis and dual-axis trackers, with their DuraTrack HZ v3 being one of the most widely used horizontal single-axis trackers.
  3. Soltec: Soltec is a Spanish solar tracker manufacturer that has quickly gained a reputation for its innovative and cost-effective single-axis trackers. Their main product, the SF7, features a unique “zigzag” design that allows for reduced installation space and better land usage.
  4. Trina Solar: Trina Solar is a well-established Chinese solar panel manufacturer that has expanded into the solar tracker market. Their TrinaTracker series includes single-axis and dual-axis solutions, with the Vanguard series being a popular choice for utility-scale projects.
  5. Arctech Solar: Arctech Solar, another prominent Chinese solar tracker manufacturer, offers a range of single-axis and dual-axis trackers. The company’s flagship product, the SkySmart-2, is a dual-axis tracker designed for increased efficiency and stability.

Comparing Solar Tracker Performances:

While each manufacturer offers unique features, some general trends can be observed when comparing their performances:

  1. NEXTracker and Array Technologies are often considered the industry leaders in terms of efficiency and reliability
  2. with their products being widely used in utility-scale projects around the world. Both companies have a strong focus on innovation and have developed advanced tracking algorithms that optimize energy output.
  3. Soltec’s SF7 offers a competitive edge with its innovative “zigzag” design, which allows for better land usage and reduced installation space. This design has made Soltec a popular choice for projects with limited space or complex topographies.
  4. Trina Solar and Arctech Solar, both Chinese manufacturers, offer cost-effective solutions for various project sizes. While they may not always match the performance of industry leaders like NEXTracker and Array Technologies, their products still deliver significant improvements in energy output compared to fixed-tilt systems.
  5. When it comes to dual-axis trackers, Arctech Solar’s SkySmart-2 stands out for its stability and increased efficiency. However, dual-axis trackers are generally less common due to their higher cost and complexity compared to single-axis trackers.

Table: Economic Justification for Single-Axis Tracker in a 1 MW Solar Project

ParameterFixed-Tilt SystemSingle-Axis Tracker System
Initial Capital Cost (USD)1,000,0001,200,000
Annual Energy Yield (MWh)1,5002,025
Capacity Factor (%)1723
Levelized Cost of Electricity (USD/MWh)66.6759.26
Payback Period (years)6.675.93
Net Present Value (NPV) over 25 years (USD)2,500,0003,500,000
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)12%16%

Solar trackers have proven to be a game-changer in the solar energy industry, significantly increasing energy output and making solar power more accessible in a variety of locations. With a range of options from industry-leading manufacturers like NEXTracker, Array Technologies, Soltec, Trina Solar, and Arctech Solar, there are solar tracker solutions to suit every project’s needs. When selecting a solar tracker, it is essential to consider factors such as efficiency, reliability, land usage, and cost to determine the best fit for your specific application.

Table: Technical Comparison of Solar Trackers from Top Five Manufacturers

ParameterNEXTracker (NX Horizon)Array Technologies (DuraTrack HZ v3)Soltec (SF7)Trina Solar (TrinaTracker Vanguard)Arctech Solar (SkySmart-2)
TypeSingle-axisSingle-axisSingle-axisSingle-axis / Dual-axisSingle-axis / Dual-axis
Axis OrientationHorizontalHorizontalHorizontalHorizontal / Horizontal + VerticalHorizontal / Horizontal + Vertical
Tracking Range± 60°± 60°± 53°± 60° / ± 90° (Vertical)± 50° / ± 45° (Vertical)
Tilt Angle AdjustmentN/AN/AN/AN/A / ± 45° (Vertical)N/A / ± 45° (Vertical)
Power SourceSelf-poweredGrid-tied / Self-poweredGrid-tiedGrid-tiedGrid-tied
Wind Load Capacity (km/h)160145150150 / 150150 / 150
ControllerSmart, CentralizedSmart, CentralizedCentralizedSmart, CentralizedSmart, Centralized
Independent Row TrackingYesNoNoYesYes
Installation SpaceModerateModerateLowModerate / ModerateModerate / Moderate
MaintenanceLowLowLowLow / ModerateLow / Moderate

In comparing the top five solar tracker manufacturers, several key differences can be noted in terms of their technical parameters:

  1. NEXTracker’s NX Horizon stands out for its smart, centralized controller and independent row tracking, allowing for greater customization and optimized energy yield. The self-powered feature also adds an extra layer of reliability and reduced dependence on external power sources.
  2. Array Technologies’ DuraTrack HZ v3 has a solid track record in the industry and offers smart, centralized control similar to NEXTracker. However, it lacks the independent row tracking feature. The option for a grid-tied or self-powered system provides flexibility depending on the project’s requirements.
  3. Soltec’s SF7 is known for its unique “zigzag” design, which results in lower installation space requirements compared to other manufacturers. While it offers a centralized controller, it does not have the independent row tracking feature or smart control capabilities.
  4. Trina Solar’s TrinaTracker Vanguard series is versatile, offering both single-axis and dual-axis configurations, with smart, centralized control and independent row tracking. The dual-axis option provides improved tracking accuracy, but it may come with higher maintenance requirements compared to single-axis solutions.
  5. Arctech Solar’s SkySmart-2 offers a dual-axis option with smart, centralized control and independent row tracking. Like Trina Solar’s offering, the dual-axis configuration may result in increased efficiency but could also have higher maintenance requirements.

In conclusion, each manufacturer offers unique advantages in terms of technical parameters, and the best choice will depend on the specific project requirements and priorities. NEXTracker and Array Technologies are often considered industry leaders, while Soltec, Trina Solar, and Arctech Solar offer innovative and versatile solutions. Factors such as independent row tracking, controller capabilities, installation space, and maintenance requirements should be considered when selecting the most suitable solar tracker for a project.

Categories: Solar Market