Waste Management: Recent Trends, Challenges, and Potentials of Composting

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Waste management has become a pressing global issue due to the increasing generation of waste, coupled with the declining availability of landfill spaces. Composting, a biological decomposition process, has emerged as an effective waste management solution. Recent technological advances, challenges, and the potential of composting are shaping the future of waste management.

Recent Trends in Composting

Advancements in technology have enhanced separation processes, which are critical for effective composting. The introduction of biochar as a co-compost material has significantly improved composting. Biochar reduces composting time and boosts seed germination when directly placed in finished compost. Biochar’s properties such as high stability, nutrient sorption, porosity, good water holding capacity, and low bulk density make it a valuable addition to composting. Furthermore, biochar balances pH and acts as a catalyst to speed up composting.

In India, researchers are exploring the benefits of biochar in composting. For instance, a study conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur found that biochar made from agricultural waste could improve soil fertility and crop yield when combined with compost.

Controlling odor and bioaerosols during composting also represents a recent trend. Improved aeration in compost piles, oxygen feedback control, and the use of bulking agents like rice straws and sawdust can help prevent odor release. Modern bioreactors like airbag bioreactors and spray towers can trap toxic gases released during composting.

The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) in Nagpur has developed a biofilter system to control odor from composting sites, improving the composting process’s efficiency and sustainability.

Challenges and Potentials in Composting

Despite these advancements, there are still challenges in composting that need to be addressed. One such challenge is identifying microbial diversity in composting, which is essential for evaluating the composting process’s effectiveness. While culture-based and culture-independent methods have been used for decades, they have limitations. Recent trends favor molecular methods, which make evaluations and characterizations easier and more affordable.

Research institutes in India like the Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (CIRCOT) are working on developing molecular techniques to better understand and optimize the composting process.

In conclusion, while challenges exist, the potential for composting as a waste management solution is immense. With the incorporation of new technologies and research, composting is set to play a pivotal role in sustainable waste management, contributing to a greener and cleaner environment. India, with its substantial agricultural waste, is well-positioned to leverage these advancements in composting and set an example for sustainable waste management globally.