Energy Efficiency and Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS): Driving a Sustainable Future

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Energy efficiency plays a vital role in reducing energy consumption and mitigating the environmental impact of various appliances. Recognizing the importance of energy efficiency, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) established the Standards and Labelling (S&L) program in 2007 under the Ministry of Power (MoP) in India. This program aims to provide consumers with information about the energy efficiency performance of appliances through star labels ranging from 1 to 5, with higher values indicating greater energy efficiency in AC units.

The star label values are determined based on Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) defined in terms of the Indian Season Energy Efficiency Ratio (ISEER). MEPS sets the minimum level of energy efficiency that appliances must meet. The ISEER values are periodically revised to continually improve the energy efficiency performance of appliances. The S&L program covers a wide range of cooling appliances for space cooling, both on a voluntary and mandatory basis.

Table 1 outlines the current status of the S&L program for space cooling appliances in India, including ceiling fans, light commercial air conditioners, chillers, and room air conditioners. The ISEER ranges for the most efficient products and the validity of the ratings are also provided, giving an overview of the current MEPS standards in India.

Efforts are underway to expand the scope of the S&L program. In the 13th Technical Committee Meeting for Room Air Conditioners, a proposal to include packaged air conditioners and air coolers was discussed. Market analysis for these technologies was proposed, and a labeling program is expected to be launched by the end of 2020.

The International Energy Agency’s report, “The Future of Cooling,” highlights the significant energy efficiency potential in cooling technologies. The best available air conditioners are up to five times more efficient than the least efficient equipment currently available. This emphasizes the need for continuous improvement in energy efficiency standards.

Promoting energy efficiency through MEPS and the S&L program not only reduces energy consumption but also contributes to environmental sustainability. By adopting energy-efficient appliances, consumers can lower their electricity bills while reducing their carbon footprint.

Table 1: Status of S&L program for space cooling appliances and equipment in India:

EquipmentISEER ranges for most efficient productValidity
VoluntaryCeiling fans5-star ≥ 5.1 (sweep size < 1200 mm)
5-star ≥ 6.0 (sweep size ≥ 1200 mm)
1st September 2019 – 30th June 2022
Light Commercial ACs5-star ≥ 4.02nd March 2020 – 31st December 2021
Chillers5-star ranges from 4.40 to 9 depending on kW1st January 2019 – 31st December 2021
of cooling of the chiller ranging from <260 to
≥1580 kW.
MandatoryRoom ACs (Based on the 12th Technical5-star ≥ 3.50 (Unitary)
Committee Meeting)5-star ≥ 5.00 (Split)
5-star ≥ 5.50 (Split)