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Case Study 2: Saahas Zero Waste

Saahas Zero Waste is an organization based in Bangalore that focuses on waste management solutions and has undertaken plastic waste recycling projects in India.

Project Overview: Saahas implemented a plastic waste recycling project in collaboration with residential communities, schools, and businesses in Bangalore. The project aimed to promote responsible waste management practices, increase plastic recycling rates, and mitigate the environmental impact of plastic waste.

Key Highlights:

  1. Plastic Waste Collection and Segregation: Saahas set up dedicated collection centers in residential areas, educational institutions, and commercial establishments to facilitate the collection and segregation of plastic waste. They educated the participants about proper waste segregation techniques and the importance of recycling.
  2. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Initiatives: Saahas partnered with consumer goods companies and manufacturers to implement EPR initiatives. Through these partnerships, they facilitated the collection and recycling of plastic packaging waste generated by these companies, ensuring their responsible disposal and reducing the burden on landfills.
  3. Recycling Infrastructure and Circular Economy: Saahas established recycling units equipped with advanced machinery to process plastic waste efficiently. The recycled plastic was then utilized to produce various products, such as bags, packaging materials, and construction materials, creating a circular economy for plastic waste.
  4. Carbon Credits Generation: Saahas’s plastic waste recycling project qualified for carbon credits under the CDM mechanism. By diverting plastic waste from landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with plastic disposal, they generated carbon credits that could be traded and sold.
  5. Community Engagement and Awareness: Saahas conducted awareness campaigns, workshops, and training sessions to educate the community about the importance of plastic waste management and the benefits of recycling. They encouraged active participation and collaboration to achieve collective waste reduction goals.


The case studies of NEPRA Resource Management Pvt. Ltd. and Saahas Zero Waste highlight the successful implementation of plastic waste recycling projects in India, leading to the generation of carbon credits. These projects not only addressed the issue of plastic waste pollution but also created employment opportunities, promoted responsible waste management