Lucknow gets UP’s First Solar-Powered Collectorate

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The district collectorate in Lucknow has become the first solar-powered collectorate in the state. The 98-lakh solar power plant is capable of supplying enough energy to power all of its 49-strong rooms. With the solar power plant in place, the district collectorate is likely to save more than 15 lakh in electricity bills. “Currently, the building consumes around 150 kW of energy, which costs more than 70 lakh annually. Now, this bill would be reduced by almost 22 per cent as the installed solar plant will produce around 135 kW of energy,” said District Magistrate of Lucknow, Raj Shekhar.The solar-powered plant can produce 1.89 lakh units of electricity per year or about 500 units per day. The power plant contains 438 solar plates and four grid-connected solar Lucknow gets UP’s First Solar-Powered Collectorate inverters. The solar grid would produce energy for the next 25 years. The power plant also has a bi-directional meter which can return unused power to the grid. The Lucknow district collectorate building has 49 rooms, including courts, chambers, accounts, and other departments. Every chamber of the magistrate is equipped with 1.5–2.0 tonne capacity of air-conditioners, besides fans and LED lights, along with extra electronic devices.


Categories: Solar