Gamesa Installed 1 GW Wind Energy Turbines in FY 2015–16

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Gamesa continued its dominance in the Indian wind energy market in financial year 2015–16 with highest installations. Gamesa India reported installation of 1 GW wind energy turbines. This is the first time the company has reached the milestone in a financial year. With the installation of 1 GW capacity, the company also secured 30 per cent market share in India for FY 2015–16. A total of 3.3 GW wind energy capacity was added in the country in FY 2015–16. India remains a huge market for Gamesa with the emerging renewable energy market contributing as much as 29 per cent to the total global sales at the company. Earlier this year, Gamesa reported that total order intake in India during 2015 surpassed 1,300 MW— an increase of 54 per cent over 2014. However, with crucial financial incentives set to expire at the end of the current financial year industry watchers expect a sharp decline in installed capacity. Gamesa has already geared up such developments.


Categories: wind energy