NHPC to explore possibility of setting up solar plants in State

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The NHPC (National Hydroelectric Power Corporation) has plans to develop techno-commercially viable solar power projects in Telangana.

A team of high-level officials of NHPC led by its Chairman and Managing Director A.K. Singh held a series of meetings with senior officials of the Energy Department including Special Chief Secretary (Energy) Ajay Misra and executives of power utilities of Telangana on March 15 and 16. They also had a meeting with Chairman and Managing Director of TS-Transco and TS-Genco D. Prabhakar Rao on Wednesday. The NHPC team also included its Director (Technical) Janardhan Choudhary.

The NHPC team discussed with the government functionaries on the possibilities of cooperation in the renewable energy area in Telangana. They also met Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (TSREDCO) N. Janaiah, General Manager G. Prasad and Project Director Ramakrishna on developing floating solar, ground-mounted and canal-top solar projects in association with TSREDCO.

According to a press release issued by the NHPC, its CMC Mr. Singh complimented commendable efforts of TS-Transco in bringing a paradigm shift in the energy sector within a short span of time. He conveyed the capabilities of NHPC in constructing hydro-power projects even in the remotest parts of the country.

Source: The Hindu