Two months on, solar power project remains a non-starter

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JALANDHAR: Just around two months before the general elections, Lok Sabha MP Chaudhary Santokh Singh had offered a ray of hope to residents that power generation in the district would be enhanced with the installation of solar panels at several government buildings in the city, but no development has been witnessed in this regard on the ground level.

Just around two months before the general elections, Lok Sabha MP Chaudhary Santokh Singh had offered a ray of hope to residents that power generation in the district would be enhanced with the installation of solar panels at several government buildings in the city, but no development has been witnessed in this regard on the ground level.

Apparently, this major step, aimed at the overall development of the city, is confined just to papers for now.

On March 8, Chaudhary, along with local MLAs and officers of the district administration, had officially inaugurated the work of installation of solar panels on several government buildings in the city.

However, after visiting some of these buildings, it was learnt that the solar rooftop panels weren’t installed even in a single government building so far.

Notably, at a cost of Rs 17.83 crore, the project was started for around 17 government buildings, covering a total area of 74,193 sq m.

The buildings settled for the task include Commissioner of Police office, District Administrative Complex, Government Education College, Meritorious School, Municipal Corporation, JDA office, Registrar’s Office I and II, Government Girls School, Sessions Court, Sports College, SSP’s (Rural) office, agriculture office, Government High School, Basti Bawa Khel, Government Senior Secondary Schools, Santokhpura and Mithapur, Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Nehru Garden and PAP Complex.

Other than savings on the power bill, the intention behind installing solar power panels was to change the picture of the city in terms of Smart City.

Apart from this, the improvement work of face-lifting the 11 major chowks of the city was inaugurated the same day.

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer, Smart City, Jitendra Jorwal, said, “As it is the need of the hour, we should avail of the renewable source of energy. The project will start from the next week. Earlier, the project was stalled due to the defects related to measurement of buildings, which might lead to low power generation. New measurements have now been identified and orders for raw materials and equipment have also been placed.”

Visit to buildings

  • After visiting some of these buildings, it was learnt that the solar rooftop panels weren’t installed even in a single government building so far.
  • Other than savings on the power bill, the intention behind installing solar power panels was to change the picture of the city in terms of Smart City.

Source: The Tribune