EO to resume properties of violators after June 30

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CHANDIGARH: City residents who have failed to install rooftop solar power panels on their properties by June 30 will face notices from the Estate Office as the UT Administration has decided not to extend the deadline.

City residents who have failed to install rooftop solar power panels on their properties by June 30 will face notices from the Estate Office as the UT Administration has decided not to extend the deadline.

The Administration had extended the deadline by six months in November last year. Sources in the Administration said it would not be extended again.

In a notification issued in May 2016, the UT Administration had made installation of rooftop solar power plants mandatory on properties measuring 500 square yard and above and group housing societies. While rooftop solar panels were made mandatory for new houses, the owners of the existing houses were given two years to comply with the direction. 

While the Chandigarh Renewal Energy, Science and Technology Promotion Society (CREST) has installed solar panels on majority of government buildings and offices in the UT, a large number of residents are yet to comply with the order. 

There are 7,500 residential, commercial and industrial units measuring 500 sq yards and above in the UT. However, solar panels have come up on only half of the units so far. 

CREST also provides subsidy on rooftop solar power panels. An officer of the Estate Office said those failing to install solar power plants by the given date would be served property resumption notices. 

The Centre had selected Chandigarh for developing a model solar city and set a target of installation of 50 MW solar plants, both at residential and government buildings, by 2022.

Target: Model solar city

The Union Government has selected Chandigarh for developing a model solar city and set a target of installing 50 MW solar plants, both at residential and government buildings, by 2022.

Source: The Tribune