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Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI), Mission Compound, Hem Baruah Rd, Pan Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781001, India. Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India is a major Christian denomination of North East India. It is a member of the Asia Pacific Baptist Federation. 

It is also a member body of the North East India Christian Council, the regional council of the National Council of Churches in India, a non-profit organization .The Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India has about 1,099,548 members in 5,585 churches.

Fig: C.B.C.N.E.I, Pan Bazar, Guwahati, Coordinates: 26.1849283N, 91.7404442 E

The first American Baptist missionaries reached North East India in 1836. Nathan Brown and O.T. Cutter, along with their wives, came to Assam hoping to find access to China through the Shans territory to Northern frontier of Burma and Assam. The group sailed up the Brahmaputra River and arrived in Sadiya on 23 March 1836, and there confronted them with dense jungles, hostile tribal and rugged hills.

Yet, believing they had been led to a fruitful place they began to learn Assamese language, set up their printing press, and gave themselves to the task of translating, publishing and teaching. Thus began the work of the Baptist in the north-eastern corner of India-the beginning of CBCNEI.

Initially, we met Administrative officer and General Secretary of CBCNEI, Pan Bazar in February 2018, for the Grid connected Rooftop Solar power project with subsidy under RESCO mode.

We have made them understand about the viability of the project to offset the increasing bill amount of the Grid. The organization don’t need to invest single penny for the project whole cost will be worn by Govt. in form of subsidy and the Develop. As, we were empaneled with state Nodal Agency i.e.; Assam Energy Development Agency for the 14 MW grid connected RTSPV project with 70 % subsidy. In the RESCO mode the tariff were fixed @3.43/KWh for the 25 years.

After all we have signed a PPA for the period of 25 years with complete O&M under our scope. Since, in one campus they have 8 connections, initially they want to go for 3 connections depending upon Shadow free rooftop area avaibility. So, they want to install solar for connected load of 55 kW, 38 kW and 18 kW respectively.

According to the APDCL Rooftop Solar guideline max. 80 % of connected Load can we Solarize. So, we went for 43.89 kW, 30 kW & 13.86 kW respectively solar rooftop power plantwhich was with in permissible range.

Here, we had also followed the case of Distributive transformer 20% max. Permissible load capacity. As max load on distributive transformer was 500 kW and Solar plant in totality should not be more than 100 kW.

Project Name 14 MW Grid Connected SRTPV PROJECT under RESCO mode.
Client Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI), Guwahati
Project Cost Rs.  48, 26,250.00 [70% subsidy and reaming 30 % recovered @ 3.43/ kWh of Solar energy being supplied.]

Material details of the Rooftop Solar Plant:

  Item Model/Make Specifications
1 Solar Panel  Poly Crystalline,  Sova Solar  (SP330V) 330 Wp, 270 nos.
2 Inverter  String Inverter , INVT ( BG50KTR, BG30KTR, BG15 KTR) 50 kVA*1 nos, 30 kVA*1 nos., 15kVA*1 nos.
3 MMS  Aluminium structure (rail)  582 nos. Al rail
4 DC Cable Siechem DC cables 1c*4 mm.sq.
5 AC Cable Polycab  4 C* 16 Cu wire,  3.5C*25 sq. mm Al,3.5C* 50 sq. mm Al
6 Lugs Copper /Bi metallic Ring type/Pin type
7 ACDBs Havells , L&T Indoor Type/ Wall Mounting
8 Earthing True power, Chemical earthing  3mtr, 9 nos.
9 Online monitoring iMars 3nos. iMars,
10 Solar Energy Meter Secure 2 nos. (Static 3 phase, 4 wire CT operated Trivector LT meter) & 8 nos. (LT CT of Ramanuj), 1 nos. (Static 3 phase, 4 wire Trivector LT meter)

The plant installation & testing work completed on 29th June, 2018 after all approval from concerned authorities. The net metering done on 16th May 2019 for 30 kW and 55 kW while 13.86 kW was on 5th April 2019 the plant is working properly and satisfactorily. Around 40-50 % of their unit charge is reduced from the APDCL bill.