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Jorhat Christian Medical Centre (JCMC), Jail Road, Borbheta, Dist. Jorhat-785004, Assam, India. It has Society registration with not profit making organization under the name of Jorhat Christian Medical Society.

Fig: Jorhat Cristian Medical Centre (JCMC), Coordinates: 26.7382753 N, 94.200638 E
Google Settalite Image

Jorhat Christian Medical Centre is a vibrant and active mission hospital in Jorhat, Assam, rendering multi-specialty and holistic health service to the people of this region since 1924. With the motto of “To serve and not to be served”, we are endeavoring to spread the love of Jesus Christ in all our dealings while giving excellent and compassionate care at affordable costs. A dedicated and competent team of doctors, nurses, paramedics, chaplaincy and administrative staffs have been instrumental in keeping up with the mission spirit and zeal of the hospital.

We met Medical Superintendent and Administrative officer of JCMC, the executive head of organization in June 2018, for the Grid connected Rooftop Solar power project with subsidy under RESCO mode. At that time we were empaneled with state Nodal Agency i.e.; Assam Energy Development Agency for the 14 MW grid connected RTSPV project with 70 % subsidy. In the RESCO mode the tariff were fixed @3.43/KWh for the 25 years. The organization don’t need to invest single penny for the project whole cost will be worn by Govt. in form of subsidy and the Developer

We have made them understand about the viability of the project to offset the increasing bill amount of the Grid. After all discussion we have signed a PPA for the period of 25 years with complete O&M under our scope. There was one main connection of Discom with different sub meters for residential quarter connected load. Through our analysis, we had make them understand how they will get more benefits by taking Solar on main load. The connected load was of 400 kW. As during day time if residential quarter uses electricity that will be supplied from Solar and since they have sub meters which will show consumption. So by this they are able to generate, consume and sell their electricity inside their campus. As residential quarter bill were paid to hospital management.

According to the APDCL Rooftop Solar guideline max. 80 % of connected Load can we Solarize. By which we can go for 320 kW. But max.  Plant capacity that can be installed was 300 kW due to less shadow free area, so we had installed 300 kW capacity.

Project Name 14 MW Grid Connected SRTPV PROJECT under RESCO mode.
Project Cost Rs. 1, 59, 00,000.00 [70% subsidy and reaming 30 % recovered @ 3.43/ kWh of Solar energy being supplied.]

Material details of the Rooftop Solar Plant:

  Item Model/Make Specifications
1 Solar Panel  Poly Crystalline,  Sova Solar  (SP330V) 330 Wp, 912 nos.
2 Inverter  String Inverter , INVT ( BG50KTR) 50 kVA*6 nos
3 MMS  Aluminium structure (rail).  328 nos. Al rail
4 DC Cable Siechem DC cables 1c*4 mm.sq.
5 AC Cable Polycab  4 C* 25 Cu wire,  3.5C*50 sq. mm Al,3.5C* 70 sq. mm Al
6 Lugs Copper /Bi metallic Ring type/Pin type
7 ACDBs Havells , L&T Indoor Type/ Wall Mounting
8 Earthing True power, Chemical earthing  3mtr, 18 nos.
9 Online monitoring iMars, Trackso 5nos. iMars, 1 nos. Trackso
10 Radiation Sensor Trackso 1 nos.
11 Weather Monitoring Trackso 1 nos.
12 Solar Energy Meter Secure 3 nos. (Static 3 phase, 4 wire CT operated Trivector LT meter) & 12 nos. (LT CT of Ramanuj)

The plant installation & testing work completed on 14th September, 2018 after all approval from concerned authorities. While going for Grid Synchronization and NET metering it was found there was shortage of NET meter with APDCL, which causes some delay in NET metering work.  After net meter avaibility metering done 0n 31st August 2019 the plant is working properly and satisfactorily. Around 50-60 % of their unit charge is reduced from the APDCL bill.