226 buildings in Una to have solar panels

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UNA: It is being estimated that the Rural Development Department will save power bills of about Rs 30 lakh per annum

It is being estimated that the Rural Development Department will save power bills of about Rs 30 lakh per annum 

By this ratio, the total cost of solar plants will be recovered in five years

The life of the plants is expected to be around 25 to 30 years

It is being estimated that if the solar power potential of government buildings is harnessed, about 2 mw power can be generated

Solar power is getting a major push by the Rural Development Department in Una district. 

About 226 buildings of the department, including Zila Parishad hall, Panchayat Samiti and panchayat buildings, will soon be equipped with solar power.

Deputy Commissioner Rakesh Kumar Prajapati said a project had been ready to generate 435kw solar power from the buildings. The funds, provided by the 14th Finance Commission for promoting solar power in villages, were transferred to HIMURJA. 

It amounted to about 30 per cent of the total cost of installing solar power generation equipment on 226 buildings of the department in the district. The remaining 70 per cent would be contributed by the Centre, he said.

The HIMURJA had floated tenders for installing solar power plants on the department buildings. 

The DC further said a power purchase agreement had been signed with the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board for purchasing solar power generated from the department. It was being estimated that the department would save power bills of about Rs 30 lakh per annum from the project. By this ratio, the total cost of solar plants would be recovered in five years.

He also said the five-year warranty was being extended by the company and the life of the plants was expected to be around 25 to 30 years.

Prajapati said now the Industries Department and Revenue Department had also shown interest in solar power plants on their buildings in the district. 

The project was being prepared. It was being estimated that if the solar power potential of government buildings was harnessed, about 2 mw power could be generated, he said.

Despite various schemes being floated by the state and Centre for promoting solar power generation, there are not many takers for setting up solar power plants. Una and Kangra districts which receive bright sun shine throughout the year can prove ideal for setting up the solar power plants. 

The solar project, initiated by the Una administration, can act as a model for others to follow.

Source: The Tribune