Steps for installation of solar power plant

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Marking and staking

The First thing the worker will do is to mark and stake out the future area of the plant. This will take longer when the rooftop isn’t flawlessly level, as they should mark out the redirections and interruptions on the rooftop before confirm main areas. For new construction, this progression will probably just include marking out the area of the structure elevation as per the building plans. In the wake of marking and staking out the rooftop, the installers will mount the structure as per installation necessities and instruction from the manufacture.

Mounting system

The installation team will install the mounting structure, making any essential modification to confirm that it is level. In the case of drilling on the rooftop, the installer team will appropriately seal any rooftop entrances with water proofing chemicals and fixing techniques that have been approved by civil engineer.

Solar panels

The installer will then fix solar panels to the mounting structure.

String wiring

 The installation team will connect PV module strings as per the wiring plans, ensure to appropriately ground all equipment. The electrical engineers will test DC power output from each panel and each string to confirm the connection liability.


Inverter should not install under the direct contact of sun radiation, placed in shadow.  The inverters should be pre-set to the grid requirements. Often, the supplier of the inverters will do this prior to shipping and will be present during installation.

Performance monitoring system

The team will install any monitoring system last. This normally comprises of a pyranometer (to gauge irradiance), anemometer (to quantify wind), and temperature sensors for ambient temperature and module temperature. The climate and performance information (inverter, alternating current [AC] switching cabinet, and net metering) will be taken into a web monitoring. This data will be utilized to survey the Solar Plant performance.