A comparision of state and central government solar PPAs

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Here are five key features of central and state government solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) compared in a tabular form:

FeaturesCentral Government Solar PPAState Government Solar PPA
Tariff determinationTariff is determined through a competitive bidding processTariff is determined through negotiations
PPA durationPPA duration is typically 25 yearsPPA duration varies from state to state
Payment securityThe central government provides payment security for PPAsPayment security varies from state to state
Applicable lawsThe PPAs are governed by the Electricity Act, 2003The PPAs are governed by state-specific regulations
Dispute resolutionDispute resolution mechanism is defined by the PPADispute resolution mechanism is defined by the PPA

It is important to note that these features can vary depending on the specific PPA and state in question. However, this table provides a general overview of the key differences between central and state government solar PPAs.

Categories: Solar