Air Filtration: Enhancing Indoor Air Quality

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“Implementing effective air filtration measures is crucial for maintaining clean and healthy indoor environments.” – Anonymous

The air filtration credits of the WELL Building Standard focus on the importance of air filtration in enhancing indoor air quality. By implementing particle filtration strategies, buildings can significantly reduce the presence of airborne contaminants and promote a healthier indoor environment. Let’s explore the requirements and best practices associated with air filtration.

A12.1 Implement Particle Filtration

This credit emphasizes the use of media filters in the ventilation system to filter outdoor air supplied to the space. By implementing appropriate filtration levels, buildings can efficiently capture and remove particulate matter, improving indoor air quality. Compliance with the following requirements is essential:

Filtration Levels Media filters must be utilized in the ventilation system to filter outdoor air based on the annual average outdoor PM2.5 thresholds. The average air filtration efficiency for particles between 0.3 and 1 μm should meet the specified thresholds. The table below outlines the filtration efficiencies based on the PM2.5 thresholds:

Annual Average Outdoor PM2.5 ThresholdAverage Air Filtration Efficiency (particles 0.3-1 μm)
23 μg/m³ or less≥ 35% (e.g., MERV 12 or M6)
24-39 μg/m³≥ 75% (e.g., MERV 14 or F8)
40 μg/m³ or greater≥ 95% (e.g., MERV 16 or E10)

These filtration efficiency levels ensure that a significant portion of particulate matter is captured, providing cleaner and healthier air for building occupants.

Filter Maintenance Regular filter maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance. Evidence of filter replacement according to the manufacturer’s recommendation must be submitted annually through the WELL digital platform. This practice ensures that filters are changed at appropriate intervals, maintaining their effectiveness in capturing airborne particles.

About Firstgreen Consulting

At Firstgreen Consulting, we recognize the significance of air filtration in creating healthier indoor environments. Our experienced team can guide you in implementing effective air filtration strategies, aligning with the air filtration credits of the WELL Building Standard.

We offer comprehensive services that include assessing filtration requirements, selecting suitable filters, and providing guidance on proper filter maintenance. By partnering with us, you can ensure that your ventilation systems are equipped with the right filters and that they are maintained according to industry standards.

We understand the importance of clean indoor air and its impact on occupant health and well-being. With our expertise, we can assist you in implementing efficient air filtration systems, complying with the air filtration requirements of the WELL Building Standard.

Contact Firstgreen Consulting today to learn how we can support your efforts in achieving WELL certification and promoting optimal indoor air quality. Together, let’s create healthier indoor environments by implementing effective air filtration measures that enhance occupant well-being and productivity.

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