Andhra Pradesh: Vijayawada station sets up solar panels on cover over platform

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Vijayawada railway station has become the first in the country to set up a solar photovoltaic cover over platform (COP) at platform numbers 4 and 5 in the station.

A press release said the plan to utilise the platform roof to harness solar energy is the first-of-its-kind in the history of Indian Railways. The capacity of the solar plant installed at Vijayawada station is 65 kilowattpeak (kWp), the highest installed on any cover over platform in a railway station.

The station is also the first to have an installed capacity of over 50 kWp solar panels on a cover over platform.

The solar roof has been installed at a cost of Rs 60 lakhs. Given the hot and humid climate of Vijayawada, railway officials are exploring means to harness solar power to cater to the electricity consumption needs of the station. The cover over platform on platform numbers 4 and 5 has been made up of solar panels without using any galvanized sheets.

To install the solar plant, 198 solar panels, each with a capacity of 330 Wp were erected directly onto the shelter, covering a length of 33 meters. Power generated from the structure can cover 17 per cent of the power needs of the station, resulting in a savings of Rs 8.1 lakhs per annum.

Apart from power generation, the solar panels provide shelter to passengers. Plans are underway to set up a similar solar COP.

Gajanan Mallya, general manager of South Central Railway (SCR) zone appreciated the efforts of Vijayawada division officials. He advised officials to set up more such plants. “These solar plants will help in reducing the expenditure of the zone towards power needs and also helps in promoting a green environment,” he said.

Source: Economic Times

Categories: Solar