AP government invites private participation to set up ultra mega renewable energy power parks-ET

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With an immense potential to produce solar and wind power in the state, the Andhra Pradesh government has formulated a comprehensive policy to promote private participation in the sector.

The Andhra Pradesh Renewable Energy Export Policy, 2020, has been announced to attract private investments for establishing solar/wind/wind-solar hybrid projects on a massive scale. Under the policy, the renewable energy produced can be exported to other states without any obligation to the state DISCOMs to procure power as the DISCOMs have already exceeded the Renewable Power Purchase Obligation (RPO) as notified by the Ministry of Power (MoP), government of India and also AP State Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC).

The projects will also be helpful in generating additional revenue from lease rentals and green energy development charges, taxes, local employment in villages and improve people’s standard of living, the policy says.

New & Renewable Energy Development Corporation of AP Limited (NREDCAP) is the nodal agency under the RE export policy to promote the projects. The allocation of renewable energy resource potential in any area to developers will be done on a “first come first serve” basis by the nodal agency through its official website. Priority will be given for project developers intending to set up the energy export projects along with manufacturing facilities in the state.

The GoAP is also offering incentives like facilitation in aggregation and allocation of Revenue and private lands, land use conversion from agriculture use to non-agriculture use and exemption from obtaining any NOC/consent for establishment under pollution control laws from AP Pollution Control Board.

Under the policy, the lands will be allotted to the project developers by the land aggregating agency on lease basis for a period of 30 years. The lease rentals are fixed at Rs31,000 per acre with 5% escalation for every 2 years. The government will get lease rentals on revenue lands at Rs.31,000 per acre (escalated by 5% every 2 years). In respect of private and assigned lands, the land owner or assignee will get lease rentals at Rs25,000 per acre (escalated by 5% every 2 years).

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