BEE, CPWD to promote energy efficiency in buildings

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The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for co-operation in building energy efficiency.

An official statement said BEE and CPWD will cooperate in promoting designs and construction of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) compliant new buildings, star rating of CPWD-managed buildings across the country with no registration or renewal fee, awareness on energy efficiency in the building sector and support for capacity building of CPWD officials in ECBC.

In the first stage, approximately 150 buildings will be taken under a star rating scheme to promote energy efficiency in CPWD managed buildings. This initiative is expected to result in energy savings of more than 260 million units in the first stage, with operational savings of about Rs 100 crore.

source- THE HINDU