India has been a promising market for solar developers due to its favorable solar policies and the government’s push towards renewable energy. However, the policy uncertainty in the recent years has affected the solar industry, creating challenges for solar developers. Solar sector in India witnessed major policy shifts in 2022. Read more…

VCS market in africa

The voluntary carbon market has been growing in recent years, with companies and governments around the world looking to offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits from projects that reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions. Africa, with its vast potential for renewable energy and nature-based solutions, has a significant role Read more…

Status of Global VCS market

The world is currently facing the threat of climate change, caused mainly by the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. The voluntary carbon market (VCM) aims to provide a solution to this problem by allowing companies, governments, and individuals to offset their GHG emissions by investing in climate Read more…